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Train travel tips

As you embark on your train journey, here are some recommended tips to keep in mind. We hope this advice will help you have a more enjoyable trip, especially for first time train passengers.

Remember to bring your essential items with you in a carry-on bag. This includes your personal ID, train ticket (of course), any medicine, and hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, face mask. It doesn’t hurt to make a checklist. Check the luggage policy ahead of time, and be strategic with your carry-ons and checked baggage. Traveling light makes for a stress-free experience and means you can keep your baggage with you at all times. Unlike airplanes, trains tend to have a good amount of room to stow suitcases, so even large bags can be carried onto the train. You can often bypass the need to check your luggage altogether, which simplifies the process. Bring water and snacks. Snacks and beverages sold on trains are usually more costly than what you can find in stores, so it’s worth stocking up beforehand. Many train stations will even have delis or mini-marts, so you can make last-minute purchases before you get on the train. Make sure you know where to get off. Keep in mind that many cities have more than one station and the train might make multiple stops in the same city. It’s worth double-checking which stop is closest to your final destination, to avoid disembarking too early or too late. Bring a blanket with you. In addition to comfortable clothes, a blanket can make all the difference when you settle in for a nap during the train ride, especially for overnight journeys.

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